Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What the world needs now/is another folk singer

I was reminded of this Cracker song when deciding to create a blog. Yeah, the world needs another blogger like a hole in the head. Despite this, I've decided to go forward, and, so, a new blog is born!

Now, I'm reminded of a line from a Paul Simon song: "The planet groans every time it registers another birth ..."


Anonymous said...

Just any blogger, maybe Cali - but you are hardly just any blogger.

Any advice BTW in how to repel vermin? Cheney is due here in a couple of weeks on a reconnaissance mission to check out our Alberta Tar Sands. The fact Alberta is second only to Saudi Arabia in oil production suggests we should perhaps be considering when the invasion might occur.

Being a great believer that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure my instincts all tell me we should immediately start building bomb shelters !

I love Americans but we have enough vermin of our own .. we don't need that rabid war mongering skunk here, not even in the interest of being a good neighbour.

Eidin said...

Cheney is the lowest of the low as far as I'm concerned. Is there time to organize a direct action?

Cheney should be greeted with jeers and hisses wherever he travels.

War profiteers go home! Just say "no" to American imperalism!

Anonymous said...

Cheney will not be welcomed by the average citizen Cali, but the oil barons will be fawning all over him.

Alberta is Conservative country as well as oil country. Cheney doesn't have the parts to visit Ontario ! Even Bush found out he wasn't welcome here and Canadians usually have a reputation for hospitality. The only welcome Bush got from the public was a whole lot of one finger salutes and suggestions he go back home.

First time in my lifetime that an American President wasn't made welcome here. And they have all visited. Bush is the first who didn't make Canada his first visit after being sworn in as President.

Eidin said...

graham4a -

How great to "see" you here! I hope you'll come back often. Thanks for the supportive words about us 'folk singers.' Loved your Paul Simon quote: "silence like a cancer grows." Brilliant. - Cali