Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quotable - amazing grace

Of all my books, Amazing Grace means the most to me. It took the most out of me and was the hardest to write, because it was the hardest to live through these experiences. I felt it would initially be seen as discouraging but, ultimately, sensitive readers would see the resilient and transcendent qualities ...
that it would be seen as a book about the elegant theology of children.

~ Jonathan Kozol (his birthday today)

Mr. Kozol signed a copy of Amazing Grace for me and, strangely, he added a smiley face to his signature.


Kathleen said...

You are lucky to have a signed copy!

Eidin said...

I am lucky. The smiley was unexpected because Kozol had just given a presentation in which he detailed how soul robbing the process of writing this book had been for him. He lost weight & fell into depression.

Jenners said...

At first, I thought you meant that he wrote this in the book he signed for you! I was like WOW! : )