Friday, December 29, 2006

End of an error

Paul Krugman "A Failed Revolution" declares the so-called 1994 Republican revolution over:

As long as people like Mr. Armey, Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay were out of power, they could run on promises to eliminate vast government waste that existed only in the public's imagination--all those welfare queens driving Cadillacs. But once in power, they couldn't deliver.


Is that the end for the radical right? Probably not. As a long-suffering civil servant once told me, bad policy ideas are like cockroaches: you can flush them down the toilet, but they keep coming back. Many of the ideas that failed in the Bush years had previously failed in the Reagan years. So there's no reason to assume they're gone for good.
Well, this midterm election swept many of the buggers away, but as someone living in John Doolittle's district, I'm well aware that some remain.

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