Sunday, February 26, 2006

It's Money That Matters (and ethics, we hope)

Finally, an article that takes more than a cursory glance at Doolittle's three challengers. Themes for this campaign are taking shape and the strength or viability of each candidate's campaign is measured by how much money they have for their campaign. Moderate Republican, Mike Holmes is in the lead right now in this regard.

Lisa Rea sums up the biggest challenge for all three candidates hoping to unseat Doolittle:

Moving into the November election, Rea said it would take between $500,000 and $1 million to match up with Doolittle from a money standpoint.

"This is part of the problem," Rea said. "None of his challengers can come close to the amount of money he raises."

Doolittle's focus on fund-raising and forming relationships with lobbyists who in turn promote clients to donate to Doolittle is a problem that needs to be addressed in the election and in Congress, Rea said.

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