Sunday, September 18, 2005

Riley's Italian Cousin

When we were in Italy this past April, we found our cat's Italian cousin, Georgio, living la dolce vita.


Anonymous said...

I love the way they can just konk-out anywhere. We've got three black cats! (We just got the 3rd one a couple of months ago -- such a little baby!) -- and they just snooze away.

Didn't *plan* to get all black cats -- just worked out that way.

The kitten has been a Godsend lately. A little bundle of furry happiness in a world gone mad.

Eidin said...

I love the way they find the best spots for napping. In Italy, we saw many cats here and there - most were pretty skinny. Georgio came closest to Riley, who is, shall we say, big-boned and spoiled. Georgio was beloved in this little costal town and we saw him receive lots of treats from the cafe/vinotecha owner.